Let’s start with the transition to BRUX raw dog food.. from kibble or even from other raw food.

 Transitioning your dog to raw takes a couple of days.

Transitioning from kibble to raw dog food
Transitioning from kibble to raw dog food

Day 1-3

Ease your dog into the world of raw. Let them have a taste without potentially upsetting their tummy. Raw is new to them so take it nice and slow.. even though your dog might not agree and is asking for a full bowl of raw.

Day 4-5

Let your dog finally have a bit more of raw. They will definitely thank you for it. Have you noticed a boost in your dog’s mealtime exitement?

Day 6-7

We’re almost there. Your dog is almost transitioned to the magical world of raw feeding! Only a couple of more days to go.

Grande finale

Congratulations! You’ve made it! I bet your dog is extremely happy about this final step.

Raw dog food quarter bowl
Raw dog food quarter bowl

Day 1-3

Ease your dog into the world of raw. Let them have a taste without potentially upsetting their tummy. Raw is new to them so take it nice and slow.. even though your dog might not agree and is asking for a full bowl of raw.

Raw dog food half bowl

Day 4-5

Let your dog finally have a bit more of raw. They will definitely thank you for it. Have you noticed a boost in your dog’s mealtime exitement?

Raw dog food three quarters bowl

Day 6-7

We’re almost there. Your dog is almost transitioned to the magical world of raw feeding! Only a couple of more days to go.

Raw dog food full bowl

Grande finale

Congratulations! You’ve made it! I bet your dog is extremely happy about this final step.

Raw dog food digests faster and your dog is just getting used to it, you might notice within the first couple of days, that your dog’s tummy is a bit upset. This is completely normal. Just slow down with adding more raw to their daily portions.

As raw dog food digests faster and your dog is just getting used to it, you might notice within the first couple of days when feeding raw, that your dog’s tummy is a bit upset. This is completely normal. Just slow down with adding more raw to their daily portions and move a bit slower up to a full bowl of raw.

As raw dog food digests faster and your dog is just getting used to it, you might notice within the first couple of days when feeding raw, that your dog’s tummy is a bit upset. This is completely normal. Just slow down with adding more raw to their daily portions and move a bit slower up to a full bowl of raw.

What should I do with the BRUX raw food tube?

  1. Thaw the tube! 
    BRUX raw food should always be stored in the freezer at -18C. In order to feed it to your dog you should let it warm up. The best way to do it is to put it in the fridge overnight to let it thaw. In case you decide to thaw it at room temperature, make sure no bugs/flies get in contact with the food.
  2. Frozen, crispy or completely thawed – this comes down to your dog’s preference. We suggest to thaw it up at least a tiny bit to make sure your dog digests all the necessary nutrients.
  3. I have a smaller dog and 500g tube is way too much to thaw.
    The most comfortable way to portion raw food that’s in a tube, is to cut it up into more suitable pieces whilist it’s still frozen or warmed up only a bit. If you have a bigger dog. Skip this step and just thaw the whole tube.
  4. Cutting up a de-frozen BRUX tube.
    We suggest you make a tiny hole on the bottom of the tube before completely cutting into it. Why? Raw food is very moist and packed into the tube under pressure. So. This way you make sure that it does not blow up and your kitchen is not covered with raw food juices.
  5. Feed it to your dog!
    If your dog leave any leftovers, make sure to not leave them at room temperature for too long. Store them securely in the fridge and you can add them to their next meal time. NB! Consume thawed food within 48h. 
A blue australian cattledog with BRUX raw dog food bowl

Why should I feed my dog raw food?

A balanced raw diet with quality meat is what your dog’s body is made for. In addition to a lot of different health benefits, feeding raw also guarantees the element of mealtime excitement.

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Raw dog food mix of turkey and lamb from BRUX

Feeding calculator

Not sure what is your dog’s daily amount of raw food they should consume? Puppies vs adults, do they eat the same amount of food? Don’t worry. It’s not that complicated and we’re here to help you.

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