“Great things are never done by one person.
They’re done by a team of people.”  ..and dogs
Steve Jobs

“Great things are never done by one person.
They’re done by a team of people.”  ..and dogs
Steve Jobs

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Paula ja Bruno

I discovered the raw food world around 2013 when my pomeranian Flint was diagnosed with alopecia-X. I was searching for different remedies to help his skin and coat condition, and found an article about raw feeding. Back then, there were no balanced raw mixes available in Estonia and I started reading up on raw dog food online. I tried making his raw mixes by myself and fed raw for a while, but lost the enthusiasm as I was afraid that I was not balancing his meals properly and went back to feeding kibble.
I got back into the raw world around 2018, after getting my nova scotia retriever Bruno, who is the pickiest eater on this planet earth. I tried every kibble available, but nothing worked for him. Until I remembered to look up raw feeding again, and to my surprise I found a couple of stores that sold balanced raw mixes for dogs. Since then, he has been fed raw and we’ve never looked back.

I am an entrepreneur at heart and I’ve always wanted to do something special in the pet industry. As many things fell into place at the right time – me and Katrin decided to found our own raw food company, that we had been dreaming about for years. BRUX. Named after the most special dog I’ve ever met, Bruno. For me, the aim for BRUX is to make raw available and affordable enough, to appeal to a bigger audience of dog people. The way dogs eat, determine so much of their life and health. Hence, educating and inspiring dog owners around the world to feed raw is BRUX’s sole mission.

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Katrin & Orri

Toortoit tuli minu ellu aastal 2016, kui hakkasin oma Mypet lemmikloomapoodi uusi tooteid otsima. See oli aeg, kui eestis ei olnud müügil veel mitte ühtegi toorest valmissegu ja nii nagu enamus, olin ka mina toitnud oma koera enda meelest hea ja kvaliteetse kuivtoiduga. Orri sai küll krõbinale lisaks värsket liha, aga mitte igapäevaselt. Mida rohkem ma teemasse süvenesin, seda enam toortoit mind köitis ja nii juhtuski, et Mypeti valikusse lisandus üha uusi ja uusi toortoite ning minu ümber kogunes tiim tõelistest toortoidu fännidest. Minu enda koer läks samuti esialgu osaliselt, aga õige pea juba täielikult toortoidule. Tänaseks on Orri krapsakas 15-aastane koerahärra, kes on pea poole oma elust olnud toortoidul ja olen 100%-liselt veendunud, et see on kindlasti üks tema hea tervise ning pikaealisuse põhjustest.

Olen üle 7 aasta toortoidu maailmas aktiivselt tegutsenud ja idee oma toidubrändist oli mul juba ammu ja see muudkui kasvas minu sees, aga tundus siiski liiga kauge ja kättesaamatu unistusena. Mingil hetkel hakkasime juba koos Paulaga sellest koos unistama. Mul on kohutavalt hea meel tõdeda, et unistada tasub suurelt. Lisaks kvaliteetse ja hea hinna-kvaliteedi suhtega toodede tootmisele oleme võtnud oma missiooniks ka laiemalt toortoidu propageerimise ja koeraomanike harimise. Meie soov on, et need vead, mille meie oleme teinud, oleks teistele õppetundideks. Jagame hea meelega oma käidud teekonda ja teadmisi, mida oleme aastate jooksul nii ise praktikutena kogunud, kui ka erinevatelt seminaridelt ja koolitustelt ning oma klientidelt ja teistelt toortoidu sõpradelt tagasisidena saanud. Ja miks Brux? Sest Orril oli oma Mypet juba olemas.

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Henriete & Flat-coated retrievers

Latvia – country manager

My relationship with raw food began in 2018, when I bought my first flat-coated retriever. I took the puppy form aborad and when he arrived, he had loads of different health problems – not gaining weight, vomited when eating dry food and pooped a lot.  We tried at least 6 various dry food brands, both veterinary and professional, the most expensive, but none of them suited to him. His body simply rejected kibble. Thanks to my friend Diana (from Barf’us) and veterinarian Ilze Pētersone, I started my raw feeding journey. I wouldn’t have had enough knowledge to know where to start from. With the support of both of these amazing ladies, I gained the basic knowledge of raw feeding and everything changed from that day. In the beginning I was very afraid of making all of my dog’s meals from different raw materials. Not sure if I was able to balance all their meals properly, etc. One night, my husband came home with a beef steak and said “this is it – we will start today!”. 
It’s been 5 years since that night and up to this day, all my dogs eat balanced raw food daily. I have also attended a lot of seminars about raw feeding, with various couches and veterinarians, and learned a lot about feeding methods and principles. I have also taken the official course of Cynology at LKF, where there is a separate topic devoted to feeding dogs. I have also read a lot books about raw feeding. All these different sources have really assured me, that raw feeding is really the best thing you do for your dog. 

I found out about BRUX through Paula, as I have been followed her on social media for many years. I have also witnessed how BRUX first started and as of today, all my dogs have transitioned to eating it daily.
I am grateful that raw diet & the interest in nutrition has brought me together with BRUX and the great team behind it, who have created this brand to give an excellent opportunity to feed any dog ​​with raw dog food, offering a great price, quality, balanced and complete composition combining it with convenient packaging.